Home Business Top Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill

Top Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill

by Alex Harris

When you think about paying your bills, your electricity bill is probably one you absolutely dread. The average cost of electricity bills in the US is around $1600 a year, that equates to around $140 a month. This is extortionate but is certainly one of the bills that is most necessary, as unfortunately you can’t live without adequate electric supply. Providers know this, that is why they constantly feel the need to raise the energy prices. You might not think there are any ways to avoid the high electricity prices, but the good news is there are. Take a look at the article below to find out how. 

Switch Tariff

You might think that you are stuck on your current tariff forever. There is no such thing as forever when it comes to your electricity bill. You can chop and change when your contract is up, you may also get opportunities to switch throughout the year. There are two types of electricity tariff, fixed and variable. Fixed means that you will pay the same price throughout the contract regardless of whether the price of electricity goes up or down. Variable tariff means your bills will rise and fall with the price of energy. As to which one is best, it all depends if the electricity prices are going to continuously rise. You don’t want to end up paying more than you need to. If you are unsure as to which one is best for you saving money then speak to your provider. 

Get A Smart Meter

Since 2006 when smart meters were first introduced, more than 90 million have been installed into homes around America. If you are still not convinced on how a smart meter can help you, look no further. Smart meters can give you accurate and real time readings of how you are using your electricity. You may be rather shocked to find out what makes that meter spin around, showers or boiling the kettle for instance. You can clearly see and understand how much you are spending on any given day, week, or month. People have become a lot more aware of their electric bills since installing smart meters as the information is a lot clearer. You will save quite a bit of money after installing a smart meter due to being aware of your energy usage. 

Improve Insulation

If your home doesn’t have adequate insulation then you will be warming your home up with the heating for it to simply escape again. This means your home may feel cold despite paying for that heating. If you live in an older property then these tend to be better insulated than newer properties. However, older homes can also suffer from wear and tear. Head up into your loft if you have one, this will give you an idea of the type of roof insulation. Great insulation can prevent heat from escaping, meaning you won’t use your electricity as much, saving you money each month. If you don’t currently have installation then it might be worth paying out to see the rewards. Shop around for a great insulation company and they will save you thousands on your electricity bill. 

Renewable Energy 

Have you ever walked past a home with solar panels on the roof? Chances are there are even some in your local neighborhood taking advantage of the sun. This has to be one of the best ways you can save on your electric bill. You will need to make a larger payout in order to see the benefits to your bill. It is definitely worth it as solar panels can save you around $1000 a year, this might not seem a lot but all the little savings add up to a larger amount. Not every home is suitable for solar panels so you will need to check this before you invest. 

Use Appliances At Night

You might have heard about people doing their washing during off peak times. Running your washing machine or dishwasher during peak times can end up costing you a small fortune and sending your energy bills through the roof. In order to avoid this, try and do your washing during off peak times. This tends to be in the evening past 7pm. Be careful with this, don’t do your washing while you sleep due to the risk of fire. Stick a wash on when you get in from work in the evening and then turn your machine off once it has finished before bed. You will notice a huge difference in the monthly cost if you use these appliances in the evening. 

Discount Rates

Another thing to keep in mind is that your energy provider might offer you certain discounts on your monthly bills. If you are on a low income then it could benefit you to inquire as to which discounts you are entitled to. You could have a look at the low income relief programme. If you use a form of renewable energy then there are also discounts available to you, you can use your tax credits for this. 

Turn The Thermostat Down

Lastly, when the weather takes a turn for the worse do you reach straight for that thermostat? Many people will turn the thermostat up when they turn the heating on and then turn it back down when the heating goes off. This is not energy efficient and can actually end up costing you a lot more than if you leave your thermostat on consistently. It might sound counter productive but leaving your thermostat on a lower temperature constantly means your house will be at a steady temperature rather than extreme lows or highs. It can cost an absolute fortune to heat your home when it is freezing cold and your electricity bill could skyrocket. Try it and see for yourself, you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Hopefully you found this article helpful and that it gave you some tips and tricks on how you can save money on your electricity bill. Remember, you don’t have to stand for high energy bills as there will always be ways to save money. 


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