Home LifeStyle The Ultimate Guide to Cutting Grocery Costs

The Ultimate Guide to Cutting Grocery Costs

by Christina Apple

In today’s difficult economic climate, any opportunity to save money should be grabbed with both hands. Given that research shows that 1 in 8 adult Americans cannot afford enough food, reduced grocery costs should be a priority.

After all, inflation has seen the cost of food and groceries soar over the past few years. With the right strategy in place, though, it is possible to regain control. Here are our top eight tips to cut grocery costs in 2024 and beyond.

#1. Reduce Your Food Consumption 

The quickest way to reduce your grocery costs is to buy fewer items. Despite the fact that millions are struggling to buy food, over 42% of Americans are obese. If losing a few pounds is on your agenda, this is the perfect incentive to reduce the volume of food you eat. Even if you don’t, the opportunity to reduce your grocery bill is a great incentive.

Reducing food consumption can be achieved in several ways. Firstly, you should avoid shopping when hungry as this prevents impulse purchases. Meanwhile, reducing ultra-processed foods that don’t fill you up in favor of satiating foods should aid the cause.

#2. Utilize Discounts

If you are a savvy shopper, you will know that shopping around can help you save a lot of money. When it comes to groceries, you may fall into the trap of thinking it’s just a few cents per item. Cumulatively, though, saving just 5% on your groceries can save thousands of dollars over the year. For that reason, now is the time to take advantage of all discounts.

Whether it’s unlocking exclusive deals with insider coupon codes, using loyalty schemes, or cashback doesn’t matter. If you are eligible for savings, it has to be worth trading a few seconds of your time in return for cheaper bills. 

#3. Switch To Cheaper Brands

Marketing teams are very intelligent and know how to entice consumers. However, paying extra for a fancy brand name is wasting money. Not least when store-branded items are often made in the same factories as your favorite brands. Despite no change in taste profile, you could potentially reduce the price of some grocery purchases by half. 

Foods aren’t the only branded goods where opting for branded items costs you dearly. Budget-friendly cleaning materials and storage accessories do as good a job as branded products. Making the switch will make your bill more manageable. 

#4. Scrutinize Deals

Smart marketing efforts aren’t limited to making you choose certain brands. They can also promote products in a way that makes you feel like you’re getting a better deal. Therefore, it is your job to recognize which deals are the best for you. For example, choosing between 50% off or Buy One Get One Free will impact your grocery costs. Do not guess.

Working out the cost of an item by weight or volume will help you make calculated choices. Meanwhile, you should consider whether you will actually use the item. There’s no point in buying a larger carton of milk because it’s cheaper per liter if you throw most of it away. 

#5. Take Advantage Of Reductions Where Possible

Stores often reduce groceries for several reasons. They may need to free up some space for extra stock. Or the foods may be approaching their expiry date. Shopping in the evening is a great way to secure huge reductions on foods that would have to be trashed. You can either use them for that night’s meal or freeze suitable produce for use later in the week.

Some savvy shoppers have been known to get a week’s groceries for under $20 using this method. As long as you are open-minded about trying new groceries and brands, it can be one of the most cost-effective ways to feed yourself and your family. 

#6.  Plan Meals Strategically

Food waste is another major problem in the Western world. In fact, nearly 60 million tons is wasted in America each year. If you are guilty of waste, now is the time to plan your meals. Buying the right ingredients for the week’s meals will serve you well. Meanwhile, batch cooking and freezing the leftovers will help you control spending and portion sizes.

If you have a CrockPot, preparing meals with the device is also advised. Aside from reducing your grocery bill, it can cut your energy usage for cooking. This winning combination will translate to significant financial savings over the months to come.

#7. Grow Some Produce

There is no better deal than getting something for free. If you are prepared to put in a little effort, you can grow a plethora of fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your home. Your garden or kitchen window ledge are ideal places depending on what you want to grow. When done well, you might not have to buy your chosen produce ever again.

Better still, the produce you grow will be the freshest tasting you’ve ever had. After reading some guides or following video tutorials, even a beginner can master the process. Your food bill will fall while healthy eating becomes a lot easier too.

#8. Share Bulk Purchases 

Buying groceries in bulk, such as multipacks, will often reduce the cost per unit. However, it is a false economy if you don’t use them all before expiration. If you need to find a way around this problem, teaming up with a friend or neighbor could be the perfect solution. As well as reduced grocery bills, a carpool will help you save money on gas.

Whether it’s visiting a wholesaler or hypermarket doesn’t matter. It is an opportunity to get the big volume discounts while only buying small volumes of the product. You should see a significant saving as a direct result of taking this step.

Bonus Tip: Start Now

Finally, if you truly want to cut your grocery spending, now is the time to start. A conscious effort will be required throughout the first few weeks. Once you establish a winning routine, though, you will never look back. As prices continue to rise, the benefits will feel greater than ever.


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