Home LifeStyle How to Save Money on Pet Care and Supplies

How to Save Money on Pet Care and Supplies

by Chris Watts

When you make the huge decision of bringing a pet into your home, you must consider the costs involved. You might think that all they need is some food and a place to sleep, this isn’t the case. There can be plenty of hidden costs that come with owning a pet, any time of pet. These can range from vet bills to them needing certain types of foods. If you are wondering how you can save money on pet care and supplies then take a look below for some amazing wallet-friendly tips and tricks. 

Discount Stores

Who said that you need to shop at high-end stores to cater to your pet, nobody is the answer. Your pet doesn’t need the toy that costs $30 when they can get the exact same one for $10. Of course, some things are made slightly better and that is why they cost more. However, if your pet is a bigger dog then the toy will most likely get destroyed anyway. Shopping around can really save you a small fortune when it comes to kitting your pet out with everything they need. 

Loyalty Programs

No matter which store you decide to use, check if they offer a loyalty card or scheme. Many shops will have a points based card system where each point can translate to vouchers or money off purchases. This can be a life saver, especially if you are short on money sometimes. You can usually keep track of your spending and saving on the app for the related store/card.  

Food Suppliers

If you have a gorgeous dog at home who needs feeding then what are you feeding them? Many dogs prefer a raw food diet and this can be pricey. Shop around to find the best supplier, raw food is pretty much all the same. You might want to get it ordered and delivered from an online store, ordering in bulk can save money in the long run. The issue with bulk buying is what if your pet doesn’t like what you order and you have 20 of them to use? It is best to order samples first so you can clue yourself in on what your pet likes to eat and which brands they prefer. 

Groom Them

Every animal can be groomed at home, you don’t need to pay out for fancy groomers to wash and comb your pet. Pet shops and online stores have everything you need to take care of your pet in the comfort of your own home. Paying out for these tools will save you money in the long term, for instance, each time you take your pet to the groomer could cost you upwards of $30. You can even get clippers to keep your pets nails short and trimmed. 

Training Basics

If you don’t have money in your budget to use a professional trainer then the good news is you can do this at home. You may be worried that they won’t be able to socialize with other pets but that isn’t the case, you have got this. Start with the basics like listening to your commands, if you are training a puppy/dog. They can quickly learn who the boss is, you just have to be consistent. Professional trainers can cost you hundreds of dollars but if you have the time and patience you can do the same thing they do. Your pet is also more likely to respond to you as they know you better than a stranger. 

Homemade Treats

It is common knowledge that pets can go through many treats, especially during the training stage of their life. There are many ways to save on these including buying in bulk from online stores, this can save you a few dollars each time. Alternatively, you could try making your own treats for your pets. If you have a dog then this could be sausage or a more healthier treat such as a peanut butter and fruit popsicle. If you have a cat, never fear there are tasty treats for them as well. You could try your hand at making tuna and catnip bites, they will absolutely adore these. Something to be mindful of when it comes to pet treats is that they shouldn’t make up more than 10% of their daily diet. Giving them more than this can lead to dietary issues and your pet being overweight. 

Pet Insurance 

One cost that can often shock people is the rising price of pet insurance. The key to this is shopping around and making sure you enter accurate details. The thing with insurance is you need to be checking how much they will pay out for various situations. For instance, with pet insurance they can pay you for a lost pet, vet bills, or even the death of your beloved animal. However, these will all be varying amounts so do your research and take your time before singing on the dotted line. Use a comparison site to find the best deal for you and your circumstances. 

Vet Care 

You might think that your pet will never need vet care but you’d be surprised by the mischief pets can get themselves into. For instance, if you have a dog then they can eat things they aren’t supposed to. They can get hold of anything, socks or even toilet rolls. If this happens then you will need to get them to the vets as soon as possible. The good news is, you can usually claim on your pet insurance for this. Vets can also offer bundles on new pets in your life, puppies or kittens for example. You can get vaccination and worming bundles where you pay one set price with everything included. 

Preventative Measures

Lastly, one of the most important things to remember when you have a pet is that you should always take preventative measures. Kind of like babyproofing your home, you should think about how you can pet proof your house. This not only includes the indoor space but outdoor as well, pets like to roam so you don’t want them running off when you’re not looking. One way to avoid this is to ensure your backyard is fully enclosed. 


  • Chris Watts

    At The Economic Business, specializing in business and economic analysis. My goal is to provide readers with in-depth insights into the world of business, helping them understand market trends, corporate strategies, and economic policies. My articles cover a broad spectrum of topics, from entrepreneurial advice to detailed industry reports. Outside of work, I am an avid hiker and love exploring the great outdoors. I also volunteer at a local community center, where I teach financial literacy to help others navigate their business ventures and achieve success.

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