Home LifeStyle Frugal Living: Tips for a Minimlist Lifestyle

Frugal Living: Tips for a Minimlist Lifestyle

by Christina Apple

It’s a fast-paced world out there and it’s also consumer driven. Many people are now turning to frugal living and trying to be as minimalistic as possible. This is in an attempt to make their life as meaningful as possible. 

This type of lifestyle saves money and it helps to reduce stress at the same time. Here are 5 tips you’re going to need to help to embrace frugal living as well as a minimalist lifestyle.

  1. DeClutter Yoúr Space

The first thing you’re going to do is make sure that you declutter. Start with a single room or a small space like a closet. When you focus this way, it helps to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and it also helps you to build up momentum towards your final goal. 

You should consider using the four-box method. In this method you’re going to label boxes as keep, giveaway, relocate, and trash. You are then going to sort all your items accordingly.

Just keep in mind that decluttering can be overwhelming so you need to take it step by step. Set small goals and keep doing this for at least 15 minutes each day when you’re starting out. 

When you’re cleaning up, if you find something that you haven’t used in the last year then you need to seriously consider if you need it. You can always use the one-in-one-out method to stop any further clutter from happening. What this means is that for every one thing that you keep or buy, you discard one item.

  1. Eat In a Simple Way

The next step in the process is to make sure that you are eating as simply as you can. Plan meals around whole foods like vegetables, legumes, greens as well as fruits. These are healthy and often cheaper. Try to eat simple staples such as pasta, oats, beans and rice as well.

Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than going out so you should invest in basic kitchen tools and learn some simple recipes. It is a good idea to focus on nutrient-rich food as this will give you the most mileage for your dollars. Don’t waste food, plan your leftovers creatively. You can make soups, stews and even casseroles from them.

If you’re finding it all a little tedious there are always books and apps that are available to assist you. There’s no need for you to be struggling to make the right choices. All you have to do is grab ahold of some information.

  1. Buy Second Hand

A big step you can make towards your minimalist lifestyle efforts is to start buying second-hand. You can visit thrift stores, online marketplaces and even consignment shops to get very high-quality items at reasonable prices. 

You can sometimes get items for bottom-of-the-barrel prices that you would not have enjoyed if you had bought a new one. When you’re doing this try to focus on items that are essential to your lifestyle such as your furniture, kitchenware and clothing. 

You’re going to be looking for those items that are gently used but are still high quality so that you can get many moons of service out of them. The great thing about buying second-hand is that it reduces waste.

Bear in mind though that when you’re searching for the best deals you have to be very persistent and try not to become frustrated. Sometimes when you least expect it or you’re about to give up that’s when you find the right deal. 

When you buy second-hand consistently you’re going to start learning how to distinguish between quality items and the ones that are low quality. Over time you will develop an eye for making the right picks.

  1. DIY Projects

DIY projects are something you should be trying to do as you journey to a more minimalist lifestyle. Doing your own projects should be a habit. 

You should go ahead and identify areas in your life where you can make your own items instead of having to go to the store or shop for them. Don’t get yourself too overwhelmed or you will become frustrated, but if you’re a creative person you can start off with small projects and then go from there.

The best way to do this is bit by bit instead of diving in head first. A few projects you might want to take on are DIYing for homemade cleaning products, curtains, and throw pillows. You can look for free and inexpensive resources online and at your local community centers to help you pull off your projects with ease.

  1. Reduce Monthly Expenses

When you’re trying to become minimalist, something that you can’t afford to ignore is your spending. Getting your spending down makes it easier for you to save money on your monthly bills and subscriptions and it teaches you discipline as well. 

To get your budget under control you’re going to need to start reviewing your monthly bills as well as your subscriptions in detail. Ask yourself if you really need some of the subscriptions that you currently have. 

Be ruthless about cutting off what you do not need so that you can keep more money in your pocket. You will need to create a detailed budget to track your income and expenses so that you can start seeing exactly where your money is going and make adjustments as necessary.

Another thing you may want to try is comparing insurance, utility and phone plans to see if you can get a better deal than the one you currently have. Many providers will give you a discount for loyalty and they may even offer bundling service. All you have to do is ask.

Finally, remember that sometimes small changes make the biggest impact. For example, instead of buying coffee at your local coffee shop, make it at home instead. The money that you save will add up over time. This money can go into your savings account or be used to get something you have been dreaming of for awhile


  • Christina Apple

    I specialize in personal finance and economics with a focus on finding deals. With a strong foundation in economic theory and practical financial management, I aim to demystify complex financial concepts for my readers. My articles focus on providing actionable insights and strategies for achieving financial stability and growth. I enjoy exploring a wide range of topics, from everyday budgeting tips to in-depth analyses of economic policies. Through my writing, I strive to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures.

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