Home Health & Fitness Affordable Fitness: How to Work Out on a Budget

Affordable Fitness: How to Work Out on a Budget

by Christina Apple

Most people are under the impression that if they want to get fit and healthy that they have to join a gym and pay thousands of dollars for a personal trainer. The thing is, staying fit and healthy doesn’t have to come with the giant price tag that puts you out of your way.Budgets are tightening everyday right now and then the cost of living crisis is often things like footloose and health that go out of the window first.

With a little creativity, however, and a little bit of resourcefulness, you can achieve your fitness goals no matter what they are, and you can do it without breaking the bank. Whether you want to be in a gym, when you want to work outdoors, or you happen to like being at home when you work out, there are plenty of affordable options available out there. So, let’s take a look at how you can work out on a budget.

Embrace Free Resources

Work does not have to be expensive. You can absolutely go to the gym and you can sign up for a basic package, but you can also use free resources out there that can help you. Here are some of those below:

YouTube workouts

YouTube has a huge amount of free workout videos on there and the best part is that you can choose to do yoga one day, Zumba the next or a high intensity interval training workout the next day after that. You have a lot of choice when you want to go on and do a workout, so head to YouTube first to see what takes your fancy.

Fitness apps

Fitness has moved to the palm of your hand in the form of fitness apps. They offer free routines and challenges that you can sign up to, and apps such as Nike Training Club or MyFitnessPal offer workout plans that can help you to get fit at home. They even provide exercise demonstration videos so that you know you’re doing it wrong.

Head to the library

Borrowing fitness DVDs and books from your local library doesn’t take any of your cash, and you’ll be able to explore different routines without having to worry about rushing. This option allows you to try various options before you commit to a specific regimen. 

Outdoor Exercise

The fun part about exercise is that it doesn’t have to be just done indoors.running or walking outdoors is a great way to improve your heart health and boost your mood and all you need is a good pair of running shoes. You can even start with walking and build yourself up to jogging and then to running you can explore local parks, trails or sidewalks for the scenic routes.

In some areas they have free workout equipment in parks or by the beach, which means you can utilize body weight exercises. These exercise stations use your weight to be able to target different muscle groups without the need for additional equipment. They’re free for everybody to use, so as long as they are available to you, you can hop on and carry on. Another great option for an outdoor workout is hiking. There are so many safe trails out there and you can just look for your local one and let the Park Rangers know where you’re going. This way, if you do run into any trouble, you have somebody looking out for you.

At-Home Fitness

Working out at home has proven to be an affordable fitness option.Body weight exercises like lunges, planks, burpees, and squats can be done in the comfort of your home and even while you’re watching your favorite films or TV shows. You can even create circuit workouts with these exercises to target different muscle groups. And you can distract yourself with TV and air conditioning so you don’t have to even leave the house.

Investing in things like resistance bands, dumbbells, and kettlebells are completely up to you. You can buy them from your local exercise stores and you’ll be able to continue your workouts at home without having to worry about paying for a gym.

Community Resources

These ones may not be free, but some of the low cost community resources that you can use include the following:

Local community centers

If you don’t want to work out at home, you can head to our local community center offering affordable fitness classes such as aerobics or yoga. They often have certified instructors and are a low cost option, giving you a supportive environment no matter where your fitness level is.

Group exercises

Local meet up groups are fitness clubs organized group exercise sessions for cyclists, joggers or even outdoor boot camp goers. These groups encourage friendship and camaraderie and they also give you a chance to feel accountable for your fitness without having to pay through the nose.

Budget-Friendly Gym Memberships

Whether you’re a senior or a student, you are able to get discounted memberships depending on your background. Plenty of gyms in your area offer discounted options, especially if you have a specific affiliation or even a disability. If you’re on a low income then you should be able to get help with your gym membership through your doctor, who can actually prescribe you going to the gym as part of your health and fitness regimen and this way you can get some extra money off.

Some gyms also offer trial memberships, which you can take advantage of. If you have a friend that goes to the gym, you can also ask them for their free fitness pass, which they often get once a month so you can at least get one session per month without having to pay for it.

Most gyms also offer a paper play option, which is where you can go and pay for the gym as many times as you need in the month without committing to a longer term contract. This way you go when you have spare money and you know you can afford it, rather than worrying about a bill bouncing out of your account and being charged for it.


  • Christina Apple

    I specialize in personal finance and economics with a focus on finding deals. With a strong foundation in economic theory and practical financial management, I aim to demystify complex financial concepts for my readers. My articles focus on providing actionable insights and strategies for achieving financial stability and growth. I enjoy exploring a wide range of topics, from everyday budgeting tips to in-depth analyses of economic policies. Through my writing, I strive to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures.

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